Tips & Tricks to Achieve Optimum Leaf Removal

Leaf Clean Up in Kent

Every year it is the same; the leaves turn the landscape into a glorious display, and then a few weeks later, leaf removal begins. While leaf clean-up for Kent yards is a necessary part of life, you can simplify the experience by following a few tips and tricks.

Blow Them Goodbye

A leaf blower is possibly your best friend in your fight against autumn but be mindful of not making them your neighbor’s problem. Blow leaves where you can easily collect them or purchase a blower to shred and bag them simultaneously.

Brown Bag Them

Once you have blown all the leaves into a contained space, you can bag them in plastic or paper. Check with your local waste collection facility to see if you can recycle them into a composting program.

Spread a Tarp

Make life simpler by raking or blowing your leaves onto a tarp. You can then move them to somewhere more convenient for bagging.

Get Ahead & Shred

If you intend to compost the leaves or use them as mulch, consider shredding them. Shredding also means you can fit more leaves into a single bag than if they were whole.

These leaf clean-up ideas will have you prepared for the next time your yard fills with the yellows, oranges, and reds of the most colorful season.


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