New Year’s Resolutions for Landscaping

Landscaping Services Seattle

Do you wish you’d taken better care of your property last year? Whether you’re a homeowner or a business owner, keeping up with landscaping is important to ensure you make a good impression on guests and clients. The following are some common New Year’s Resolutions property owners make to set the standard on their streets.

Mow Regularly

While routine mowing is one of the most basic aspects of lawn care, many people find themselves falling behind. Consider scheduling landscaping services in Seattle to ensure your grass doesn’t become overgrown. Regular trimming is important not only for aesthetics but also for your lawn’s health.

Nourish Your Lawn

Most grasses can grow without much intervention on your parts. However, if you want to achieve a truly lush lawn, you should make a habit of watering it appropriately and feeding it a quality fertilizer. Talk to the experts to get tailored recommendations for nourishing your property—or hire them to do it for you.

Install Mulching

Many people assume that mulching is purely for aesthetic purposes. While mulch does increase color and visual texture on your property, it also provides many other benefits that make it well worth the effort. By hiring a landscape services company to mulch your property, you create a weed barrier, add protection for your plant’s roots, and help your soil maintain a consistent temperature for better growth.


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